In Response…

With the incredible outpouring of support for our work in Missoula, especially in light of renewed motivation with the situation in Afghanistan, we still find the families who have arrived in Montana as refugees mis-represented and mis-understood by some of the leadership in our state. This statement is in response to a 12/9 Opinion piece that has been run in multiple Montana papers- “Afghan Resettlement Endangers our Communities” by Representative Matt Rosendale.

*** You can also listen to our Executive Director, Mary Poole, read it here***


Soft Landing Missoula is a locally-born, grass roots non-profit that has had the absolute privilege of being a part of welcoming and working with refugees resettled in Missoula, MT for the last five years. As we, once again, watched heartbroken as families fled an extremely difficult and dangerous situation, we felt honored that our community was selected to be one of the hundreds of places across the country that Afghan evacuees will find new homes, new communities, new hope. We consider this work an honor and continue everyday to receive more than we could ever give.

That said, there are some that think this work is too hard, that it has too many challenges and utilizes too many resources. That it can never be safe enough. That we can’t take care of ourselves and newcomers.

Refugee resettlement never has been, nor will it probably ever be, easy. Families are fleeing horrific violence and persecution, coming to a place where they have to learn a new language and many times start completely from scratch. It requires funding, it requires the community’s time and engagement, it requires building the kind of relationships, infrastructure, and programming that Missoula has embarked on these last 5 years. It requires constant adaptation and innovation- both locally and on a national and international level to ensure that each unique situation is evaluated and addressed in a way that is both safe, effective, and the right thing to do. It has been a lot, and it has been hard work that has utilized all sorts of physical and human resources in our city. But just because it is hard, doesn’t mean that it can’t or shouldn’t be done. Just because it requires work and resources, doesn’t mean that it also doesn’t far exceed in end benefits- for all. Infact, if you were to ask those Montanans involved, those committing the time, those gifting a good chunk of the funding, those having to shift structures in their workplaces to bring more equity to their services,- they will mention that at some times there are challenges, and at some times it is hard. But, first they will probably smile and tell you a story or two about new, true friendships that have changed their lives and the experiences they have learned from along the way.

Knowing the hundreds, possibly thousands, of people in our own community, refugee and American-born alike, that now share all of these experiences and have built their lives together for the last 5 years, we can only imagine that Rep. Rosendale feels the way he feels for the simple reason that he must not know. He must not know the real challenges, the real dedication, the real triumph, and the real joy of believing in, celebrating, and working hard for a humanity that is so much bigger than your own.

And how could he know these things like we know these things? He has never visited us. He has never met with us and sat with our new neighbors. He has never heard their stories that tell of a journey from a beloved home, to hell, and then to here. Not a journey free from challenges and sorrow now that they are here, but still a journey rich with friendships, community, family, hard work, opportunity, and yes, joy. He hasn’t seen smiles on the faces of the children when they splash in Seeley Lake or view the mountains in Glacier National Park for the first time. He doesn’t know the relief, mixed with fear, mixed with hope, of a dad watching his daughter hop on a school bus for the first time since her life was threatened for attending school and they fled. He hasn’t witnessed a mother cradle her most precious possession that only by luck and grit was she able to bring to this place. He hasn’t watched a young man light up at the chance of finding a job working with computers- a universal language he learned back home and now gets to bring here. He hasn’t met a young woman as a first-generation college student, pouring over homework until late in the night after she gets off of work, but doing it and succeeding.

And maybe he hasn’t had the experiences that make you realize that these are the same smiles of your children, these are the same hesitations and fears of your father, this is the same love of your mother, the same joy of your brother, and the same hard-won success of your sister.

Maybe he doesn’t know that refugees’ lives are built not only on the same emotions, hopes and dreams, but also on the same values. What family that has gone through what a displaced family has gone through would not value the security and safety he speaks of? What man who has gone through the agony of having to leave his brother behind would not constantly be driven by the value of the importance of family. What parent that has to start back at square one in a low-wage job to make sure their kids have access to education doesn’t share the value of hard work and perseverance? What human who has been stripped of their rights, livelihood, loved ones, and safety doesn’t value the independence and opportunity for self-determination of damn near every Montanan I have ever met?

So yes, a lot goes into all of this. It’s a lot of work. But a lot goes into life. Any life. When you get the privilege of knowing the human beings that arrive here in Missoula as refugees, as so many of us have, there is no denying that just as the lives of our loved ones are worthy of all of the hard work, resources, and challenges that go into making a life, so are the lives of refugees. And not because the process is perfect- life is messy- and not because the people are perfect- who among us are?- but because they are people.

So, Rep. Rosendale, we would love to extend an invitation. Will you come see us? Will you sit with us and eat with us? Share a coffee or some tea? Will you visit with Afghans and refugees from other places? Will you hear the stories of your constituents dedicating time and resources to the challenges and the joys of welcoming refugees? Yes, this letter is a little bit of a challenge, but it is not a hostile one, just a heartfelt hope to share with you what we have come to learn over the last five years. Our door is open, any time.

In love and gratitude…

Mary Poole and the Soft Landing Missoula

Soft Landing Missoula is hiring!

We are hiring a full time Outreach and Communications Manager! Check out the job description below and please feel free to share!

Soft Landing Missoula

(a fiscally sponsored project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs)

Outreach and Communications Manager

30 hours a week (negotiable), $18-20  / hour DOE

The Outreach and Communications Manager will join Soft Landing Missoula’s dynamic non-profit organization as a team player, focusing on leading organizational storytelling and outreach and supporting fundraising efforts and events. They will work in a fast-paced, interactive office environment to help Soft Landing enhance its ability to serve a growing number of resettled refugees and immigrants, and continue to increase Missoula’s capacity to be a welcoming community. 

This position is flexible, but primary hours need to be in office and spread across the work week. Occasional night and weekend hours required.

Benefit Package Includes: SLM is committed to supporting a healthy work-life balance and we offer a generous benefits package for full time employees (30+ hrs/wk) Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance premiums are covered for the employee. In addition, SLM offers 20 paid vacation days each year, 10 paid sick days per year and 12 paid holidays. SLM will offer 6 weeks of paid family leave to full time employees welcoming a new family member who have been employed for at least one year.

About Soft Landing Missoula:

Our vision is to help Missoula be a welcoming, supportive and informed community that can assist refugees to integrate and thrive. Soft Landing Missoula operates under Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing fiscal sponsorship.

The Outreach and Communications Manager will:

  • Be a key player in the “voice” of Soft Landing Missoula and the stories we tell.

  • Work collaboratively with other staff on fundraising, friendraising, outreach, and education projects and assignments as needed. 

  • Create a marketing and social media plan that dovetails with Soft Landing’s annual fundraising plan to strengthen financial sustainability and advance community education and outreach.

  • Take the lead on the coordination and organization of small and large events as assigned. 

  • Manage and implement a communications calendar with at least 2 weekly social media posts, including content creation in partnership with staff and awareness of major holidays/themes/events.

  • Manage social media comments and community building.

  • Provide website support for both Soft Landing Missoula and United We Eat.

  • Provide graphic design support for Soft Landing Missoula and United We Eat.

  • Contribute to the creation and management of marketing and fundraising materials such as brochures, infographics, impact reports, appeals/thank yous, and merchandise. 

  • Maintain and update mailing lists in MailChimp and assist with the development of email marketing content for outreach and fundraising purposes.

  • Assist with coordinating and delivering on sponsorship recognition and reporting for special events.

The ideal candidate will have:

  • A sense of humor and an adventurous spirit

  • Discretion and confidentiality with respect to Soft Landing clients and supporters

  • Experience with ethics of storytelling

  • Ability to work as a team and independently on a diverse set of goals and projects

  • Commitment to kindness, confidentiality, and accuracy of sensitive records

  • Proven ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines. 

  • Organized with exceptional attention to detail and accuracy

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant field is preferred 

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Google Suite

  • Experience with Mailchimp

  • Graphic design and website experience

  • Social media and marketing experience

  • Event planning experience

To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and two references to

We will begin interviews in early January in hopes of a start date in early February or before.

2021 Year End Giving- Celebrating five years of your support!

Dear friend,

I’m thrilled to celebrate a huge milestone with you: Five years of working with refugee and immigrant families in Missoula!

Looking back, I haven’t forgotten how it felt to witness the Syrian refugee crisis unfolding in the news, with my then newborn baby in my arms.

That moment ignited the Missoula community’s desire to act.

By joining forces with friends and neighbors, families from around the world who were torn form their homes found safe ones in here in Missoula.

Today, we’re celebrating that for five years, our community has welcomed hundreds of new neighbors who are embarking on the next chapter in the stories of their lives. 

We’re celebrating that we’ve supported refugee and immigrant families through our Community Resource Center, Youth programs, United We Eat, driver education classes, and U.S. citizenship tutoring. 

We’re celebrating that we haven’t done this work alone. We’ve done it together with you – a generous community of donors, volunteers, and partner organizations that makes this welcome possible. 

Every day at Soft Landing, I see the difference you make in the lives of Missoula’s new neighbors and I am truly awed. 


Our friend, Aoci, was the first to arrive as a refugee in Missoula when resettlement restarted through our efforts five years ago. He recently came to see us for help studying for his U.S. citizenship. I asked him about his five-year anniversary in Missoula and he said, “I love many things in Missoula. I received a good welcome from people in Missoula. I have work, I’m feeling good because my life is good now.”

He added with excitement, “I’m studying very hard [for citizenship]. Soft Landing helps me study. Now, I’m ready to help someone. You know why? The Bible says, ‘When you receive free you can give someone free too.’ I’m ready to teach someone for free because someone is teaching me for free.”

We’re also celebrating that in the coming year, our community will welcome twice as many new neighbors as in any previous year. It’s an exciting moment in our collective journey. 

Over the next year,  Missoula will be resettling 150 refugees and 75 additional individuals from Afghanistan. We’ll also work alongside the 200 individuals we’ve come to know and love as family over the past five years. 

Your contribution will help more families that ever connect to Soft Landing’s free support and resources that help from arrival through citizenship . . . and beyond. 

We’re excited to welcome 225 new neighbors in the coming year. Five years into this incredible journey and with your continued support, we feel prepared to meet this wonderful challenge. 

Steadfast support from passionate, caring people like you means that together this “soft landing” will continue. We are deeply grateful. 

This season, will you give so that together we can welcome and help more families to integrate and thrive here in Missoula? 


In love and gratitude,

Mary Poole
Executive Director, Soft Landing Missoula

SLM Newsletter 9/20/21

Afghan and New Arrivals-

75. The number of that many of us have heard by now, representing the proposed number of Afghan Humanitarian Parolees who may be coming to Montana. I know that when we heard that this was a possibility, it took the edge off of our broken hearts, and when you all heard, you immediately reached out asking how to help.

We want to outline some ways below, but quickly, we want to make note that this is still a PROPOSED number, even though it was reported by national media and quickly wrapped up in a wild twitter storm (Thanks Wilmot for your perfect response!). While all involved believe that this number will be approved by the beginning of the Fiscal Year (Oct 1st.), we know that we have earned your trust by being clear and honest and we want to make sure we continue that.

For those of you who have reached out wondering how you can help, we are creating a fund from which we will be able to offer direct support for these families- The Afghan and New Arrivals Fund.

There is an incredible amount of uncertainly right now, not just on how many folks might come to Missoula, but what their status will be when they get here, and what support that might qualify them to receive. Previous families who have come through the IRC arrive with refugee status. Because of this, they initially get access to social services, get work authorization right away, and have a 5 year path to citizenship. The Afghans who may be coming will arrive here as Humanitarian Parolees, and if things stay the same, this will mean that they are not eligible for any of those things, including TANF, SNAP, and possibly work authorization. Under Humanitarian Parolee status, they won’t even have a guaranteed path to stay in the US, and will probably have to go through the lengthy, uncertain, and often expensive process of applying for Asylum. There is a great 15 minute podcast that lays this out nicely if you are interested in learning more.

Luckily, they will receive case management through the IRC for 30-90 days, meaning that just as with other refugee arrivals, the IRC will work with them to secure initial housing, initial employment (if this is allowed), get kids enrolled in schools, and the other excellent services available through IRC case management. But still, this leaves HUGE gaps for families just starting new lives here with how much they had to leave behind and Soft Landing has been called to help in any way that we can.

I wanted to explain this to you all so you could see, as we have recently seen, that the best way for Soft Landing to help support these families as they arrive is to do something a little different than we have ever done and set up a fund to directly help fill some of these gaps left by the inability to access social services.

The fund will be administered with help form the Soft Landing Missoula board and will go towards things like:
– Rental assistance
– Food security
– Seasonally appropriate clothing needs
– Home goods and toiletries
– Phone/internet assistance
– Immigration assistance needs

Lastly, we also feel that is is important to tell you another number that wasn’t a part of the national reporting: 150.

150 is the proposed number of refugee arrivals to Missoula this coming year. Again, yes, it is still PROPOSED, but when this number gets approved in the same timeframe as the Afghan number, Missoula is looking to see up to 225 people resettled here this year. That is over 100 more than have come in any one year the past five years. While Afghan Humanitarian Parolees will likely have a unique set of needs, refugees coming from horrible situations in other parts of the world will also have unmet needs, and are also as deserving of this little bit of extra love and support that a fund like this can offer.

I know that we have been asking a lot of you lately. You just knocked our socks off with our Annual Kitchen Fundraiser and our biggest fundraising effort of the year for our general operating costs- End of Year giving- seems just right around the corner. But we feel that this is important enough, and that so many of you have asked, that if we can do it, we should do it. Not to mention, the Rosendale twitter storm referenced above… Well, that one might have backfired on him as we saw donations roll in from across the country! We took this as a sign that the best response we could have to his misguided and inhumane comments would be to take the money he raised for us and use it to give right back to the Afghan families he opposes. We are excited to say that he raised over $10,000 for us from 118 donors all around the country and Soft Landing Missoula is committing the entirety of this sum to launch this fund. We would love to see this fund double and are wondering if you would like to help?
If this sounds like something you have the ability to gift to at this time, you can find the spot to do that here.

And there are additional ways to help as well. I hope you have made it to the end of this crazy long email and I will leave you with a little list we brainstormed with the IRC team.

– Contribute to the Afghan and New Arrivals Fund

– Contact us with interest in providing translation in Dari and/or Pashto-

– Contact us if interested in providing probono legal support-

– Anyone interested in donating furniture can contact

-Anyone with housing leads or inquiries (including temporary in-home stays) can contact

– Anyone interested in volunteering to be a part of a Family Mentor Team can contact

– Bring new or gently used warm winter outerwear by the SLM office and check out the Welcome Kits, Urgent Items, and Always Items on our website. Any questions, please contact

Thank you. We have a HUGE year ahead of us and we are incredibly excited to join you in being a part of the warm welcome these new families will receive in Missoula.

In love and gratitude,


Welcoming Week 2021 was a huge success! We saw you dancing to West African drums at Imagine Nation Brewing Co., nibbling on delicious treats and sipping aromatic Eritrean coffee at Masala, engaging in our new storytelling project- “Stories of Home”- at the Missoula Public Library, creating an amazing meal in your own kitchen with the guidance of Iraqi chef Anne Matti, and sliding around on a rainy pitch while enjoying the shared language of Futbol! Thank you for showing up for us- it was wonderful to see you! We would like to give one last shout out to this year’s Welcoming Week sponsors- THANK YOU for helping us make this happen! Also, below you will see more info on the two events that were launched this past week that will continue on– creating two more ways for you engage in celebrating and supporting refugees and immigrants in Missoula any day- Enjoy!

United We Eat

You have asked for more opportunities to enjoy the incredible food coming out of our United We Eat kitchen and more ways to support the chefs that are creating them. We have answered this call!

Starting this week, United We Eat will have a rotating menu of grab and go items such as dips, sauces, soups, salads, and treats available at Masala (206 W. Main St.) during business hours, Monday through Saturday.

That’s right- we are so excited that now you can enjoy UWE food not one, but six days a week! Thank you Masala for your partnership!

Stories of Home

Good news if you missed this event during Welcoming Week- our Stories of Home exhibit will be up on the 4th floor fo the Missoula Public Library through the end of the month!

Come see stunning portraits paired with audio from interviews exploring refugee and immigrant experiences with homes left behind, homes found, and the experiences in between.

Audio is accessed through scanning a QR code on your own smartphone, but you can also check out an mp3 player with the audio at the MCAT desk on the first floor if needed.

Eritrean Coffee now available at Masala!

Anyone who has experienced the pleasure of drinking freshly roasted and freshly brewed Eritrean coffee will tell you that it is some of the best coffee on the planet. In fact, coffee originated in neighboring Ethiopia and it’s name- Buna- is more than likely why we call this fruit seed a bean!

Shewit Hadera is now brewing up fresh Eritrean coffee M-F at Masala (206 W. Main St.), 6am-10am. Stop in, grab an excellent cup of coffee (and maybe even some United We Eat grab and go items!) and show Shewit some love!

P.S. Parking is GREAT there that time of day 😉

As we transition into our fall youth programing, we are reflecting back on our incredibly amazing and PACKED summer. In total, we served 70 youth through our ESL Class, Book Club, Craft Nights, and 11 social and recreational activities. 21 volunteers and our Summer AmeriCorps team collectively dedicated over 1,000 hours to our youth program this summer! What an awesome summer! Thank you so much to everyone that made it happen!

It has begun! Even though it looks like we still might have a bit of warmth and sun left in September, this chilly weather has reminded us to start collecting warm winter OUTERWEAR! Please bring by any gently used, warm, weatherproof coats, gloves, snow pants, and boots. General clothing items and sweaters not accepted due to very limited space. Thank you!

Welcoming Week 2021

Please join Soft Landing Missoula and partners for Missoula’s fifth annual Welcoming Week. Through this nationwide initiative, we work to bring together neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places to create thriving communities. Together with Imagine Nation Brewing Co, the International Rescue Committee in Missoula, Arts Missoula, and more, we invite you to this week-long cultural celebration!


Kick-off Party

Friday September 10, 5:30pm-8pm / Imagine Nation Brewing Co.

Join us for food, music, and great beer! For the fourth year in a row, the country’s first combo microbrewery + transformation center—Imagine Nation Brewing Company, will be creating a custom beer to commemorate and kick off events. While you enjoy your brew, Kamoon Arabian Cuisine AND Ragheef food trucks will be serving the best Middle Eastern food around. Top this off with West African drum and dance and you’ve got a party! Cheers to Welcoming!


United We Eat Wholesale Launch, Cookie Sale, & Eritrean Coffee Ceremony

Sunday September 12, 12pm-3pm / Masala

A UWE Extravaganza! Come celebrate the launch of UWE’s line of chef-made grab-and-go products, which will be on sale at Masala this fall! Chef Zohair will be making his famous samosas for you to try, and we’ll have chutney and dipping sauce for purchase (as well as more samosas). As a huge bonus, several of our chefs will have their delicious cookies for purchase and you can sip a tiny cup of coffee while experiencing the beautiful Eritrean Coffee Ceremony.


World View Film Series – Human Flow

Monday September 13, 7pm / Roxy Theater

Sponsored by the International Rescue Committee in Missoula, this film will kick off Arts Missoula’s fall World View Film Series. In its sixth season, these free films are followed up with a panel moderated by Humanities MT. The film, Human Flow by Ai Weiwei, gives a powerful visual expression to human migration.


Stories of Home: Audio-Visual storytelling exhibit

Wednesday September 15, 5:30pm-7:30pm Opening Reception* / Missoula Public Library- Fourth Floor

*Self-guided exhibit will run through September 30

Stories of Home explores homes left behind, homes found, and the experience of the things in between. Put together by Soft Landing Missoula, this exhibit pairs audio from interviews and the visual of beautiful portraits to help tell the stories of immigrants and refugees in Missoula.


Virtual Cooking Class with Chef Anne

Thursday September 16, 5pm-6:30pm / Zoom, $15

From Soft Landing Missoula’s United We Eat kitchen, learn from Chef Anne as she walks us through the steps of creating an authentic Iraqi dish. Hear stories about Iraqi culture and cuisine as Chef Anne cooks, and follow along from the comfort of your own kitchen. You’ll have dinner ready by the end of the class! Learn more and sign up by 9/14 at


International Soccer Match

Sunday September 19, 3pm / Playfair Park

Come enjoy the universal language of fútbol (soccer!) and cheer on players from all over the world. Anyone interested in playing in this friendly match, reach out to

Afghan SIV’s as of 8/19/21

Afghan SIV’s as of 8/19/21-

First off, I want to thank those who have reached out in recent days (and really, over the last couple months) to learn about how they may be able to help with the events unfolding in Afghanistan. We would like to take a moment to acknowledge the devastating heart break for Missoula families originally from Afghanistan and/or with ties to Afghanistan who are currently scrambling to see that loved ones have a path to safety. In this email we hope to give you brief information on what is happening, a few resources, and possible ways you can help.


While the news continues to change daily, and even hourly in some cases, this is where we are in the moment I write this.

In the briefest terms, with the announcement of the US withdraw from Afghanistan a few months ago, the Taliban has steadily started to take over towns and cities, most recently the capitol city of Kabul- replacing Afghan government officials and military leaders, including the democratically elected president. We are all watching the chaos unfoldall over the news. The return of the Taliban and the reality of surviving under their rule is terrifying for many Afghans- especially women who are at risk of loosing the many rights they have gained over the last two decades (opportunities for education, ability to work, to name a few), and also for those who have served foreign governments and NGOs. Afghans who have worked with US military (sacrificing their safety and that of their families to assist our troops) have been targets for the Taliban for decades and because of this, there was a promise made and a path created to resettle these individuals and their families in the United States under aSpecial Immigrant Visa (SIV). While recently, President Biden has expanded SIV options and promised speedy processing for those in danger, this path has been around since 2006 and has been frustratingly slow and arduous for those promised safety in return for assisting the US in our mission in Afghanistan. Commitment to those Afghans in danger has been renewed, but in the wake of an incredibly fast takeover by the Taliban leaving over 10,000 Americans still in the country with a compromised airport and questions of how and when to even get Americans out, those of us advocating for SIVs and their families are left wondering how the US will fulfill the promise to get folks out by the August 31st date set for a full US withdraw.

I know many of you are interested in hearing what this means for Afghan families in Missoula, those that may be coming here under the SIV process, and those of us trying to help. Unfortunately, at this time there are no completely clear answers for this, but I will try my best to give what info I have. Again, this is a snapshot of time, and things may change quickly.


At this moment there isn’t a clear path for non-tie (those without a known family member or other tie in Missoula) SIV cases to be resettled to Missoula. Most Afghan SIVs are going to initially be placed in cities with larger Afghan populations- these states included in this at the moment ate VA/DC, CA, TX, and WI. The resettlement agency here in Missoula- the International Rescue Committee (IRC)- is a large part of the on the ground relief in Afghanistan, as well as the resettlement of SIVs in the US, but currently no non-tie cases are officially slated to come here to their Missoula office. That said, they are currently working with a handful of cases that have a local tie to another location in Montana and may be working with more, IF approved in this new SIV designation. We would encourage those interested in assisting these families in their resettlement to learn more about amonetary or in-kind gift to the IRC MIssoula.

As far as Soft Landing’s work right now in this area, as we are not a resettlement agency and other than support and advocacy, we don’t have a way any more than anyone else to create a path for SIV’s to come to Missoula. That said, we are working furiously with Afghans we know to support them in trying to get at-risk family members processed through the open SIV and other application processes. Our hearts and days have been consumed by this and we need your help in advocating for these families. PLEASE contact Senator Tester,Senator Daines, andRepresentative Rosendale and let them know of your interest in America’s commitment to vulnerable SIVs and specifically that getting SIV families with ties to Montana (Missoula is not the only location with ties to SIV cases) is an incredibly urgent matter. While we can’t make promises at this time on who or how many folks we may assist if approval is made to come to Missoula, we are currently putting resources and energy towards this and you are welcome to also support that work in a monetary donation toSoft Landing.

I know that with limited options to help right here in Missoula, many of you are also interested in helping beyond the local level. There are many great organizations out there that are doing direct work, as well as advocacy. I will list a couple below and you can give and get involved where your interests find a home.

Grassroots community based organizations across the US:

(These orgs are all part of the network Soft Landing is in- the Hello Neighbor Network– and we are in close contact with them and they are working hard with new Afghan families in their communities!):

Homes Not Borders

Refugee Assistance Alliance

Home for Refugees

Miry’s List

Hello Neighbor

Hearts and Homes for Refugees

Direct Aid in Afghanistan:

Afghan-based and run org:


Resettlement agencies:



Again, thank you for your attention and your heartfelt desires to help those currently in so much need during this crisis.

In love and gratitude,

Mary Poole
ED Soft Landing Missoula

Celebrating 2021’s Graduates

We were so excited to celebrate 3 more high school graduates that have participated in Soft Landing Missoula’s youth programming this past year. These incredible young adults just blew us away with their hard work- all three navigating school during COVID while working at the same time. Thank you MCPS and the families of these amazing students. We are so honored to be part of a team with you that supported these student’s success! On that note, last year SLM helped send the graduates into their futures with a little cash gift, as is customary for friends and family to do, and we extended an invitation to anyone from the community who wanted to add to that cash gift. We did the same thing this year and would like to make the same invitation to you ;). If you would like, you are welcome to drop some “congratulations cash” off at our office and we will see that it gets to these 3 awesome folks headed out into the big wide world.

Ange Uwera


It was not easy for Ange Uwera going to school while working to support her family, but she worked hard to graduate with honors, an academic honor medallion, and a 3.8 GPA while working full time. She is thankful to God, her community, and people who have helped her along the way. Ange is currently applying for positions to train to become a CNA, and has been accepted at Missoula College where she will begin her studies to become a nurse.

Saleh “JP” Ndiefi

Saleh “JP” Ndiefi arrived in the US in 2018 from Rwanda. His family could not afford for him to go to school in Rwanda, but when he came to the US he had the opportunity to finish high school and quickly showed academic merit in the school system here, graduating a semester early while working to support himself and living on his own his senior year.

He is interested in studying diesel technology and is currently applying to the diesel technology program at Missoula college. He says he always used to be a troublemaker, but when he came to the US he came for two things: to work and to study. He would like to find a good job that pays well and eventually become an engineer.

Sifa Esther


Sifa Esther is one of the second group of graduates Soft Landing has seen graduate from a Missoula high school, following her brother Janvier, who graduated last year. Sifa is excited to be done with high school because it was difficult for her to study while working full time. Before starting her journey on to college, Sifa will fork for a few years to save money.

She is thankful to all the people who have put energy into supporting her through her studies, including friends, family, teachers, and Soft Landing, who have pushed her to succeed, including everyone reading this message. She is thankful to everyone and asks for you to keep praying for her. In her future she wants to work in the fashion industry and become a business woman.

SLM Newsletter 6/16/21

Like spring weather…

The weather has been all over the board this spring (nothing new), and so have we (again, nothing new…)! With the small bit of chaos that the change in seasons always seems to bring, I am a bit late this month in getting a newsletter out to you all- my apologies (as if anyone even noticed! HA!).  I say that just to note that the additional couple weeks added to the list of things I wanted to bring to your attention and so you are now ending up with a long, a bit scattered, and certainly not “cohesive” blob of information in your inbox this morning from someone not organized enough or skilled enough to make it all present very “pretty”.  Thanks for your patience 😉

First, lets start off with the great news- GRADUATION! We were so excited to celebrate 3 more high school graduates that have participated in Soft Landing Missoula’s youth programming this past year. These incredible young adults just blew us away with their hard work- all three navigating school during COVID while working at the same time. Thank you MCPS and the families of these amazing students. We are so honored to be part of a team with you that supported these student’s success! On that note, last year SLM helped send the graduates into their futures with a little cash gift, as is customary for friends and family to do, and we extended an invitation to anyone from the community who wanted to add to that cash gift. We did the same thing this year and would like to make the same invitation to you ;). If you would like, you are welcome to drop some “congratulations cash” off at our office and we will see that it gets to these 3 awesome folks headed out into the big wide world. We are waiting on the professional portraits from this past week and you can look forward to us sharing these and a little more about each graduate in the next newsletter as well 😉

Congratulations, JP, Sifa, and Ange! You are amazing!

Next, I want to acknowledge some more incredibly wonderful and welcome news, and let you know about the BIGGEST CHALLENGE we, and many others, are facing right now. The wonderful news is that Missoula is once again welcoming refugee families through the International Rescue Committee (IRC) after quite a long break due to politics and COVID. We have been over the moon to meet these families and offer them a warm welcome. But there has been a challenge, which I am sure all of you can guess…Housing. When families first get here, the IRC helps them secure market rate housing with a small, one-time “stipend” designed to last 30-90 days as new families work toward self sufficiency in that time period. While finding initial housing for refugee families has always been a juggling act that the IRC has navigated with success over the last 4+ years, there are a huge issues right now for so many Missoulians when it comes to securing and retaining housing, and refugee families are facing the same. This includes not only an extreme lack of rental options for incoming families, but also rising rental rates for established families (sometimes by HUNDREDS of dollars a month), enormous expenses related to temporary housing in hotels and application fees, and the requirement of double, and even triple deposits to secure a spot. SLM has begun to insert ourselves in larger community conversations around long term solutions for these dire issues (again, refugees are not even the most vulnerable in our community to the risk of homelessness during this crisis) in hopes that we can lend our voice so that all can be better served, and so that refugee families don’t have to move away from Missoula before they can even get established here. That said, the success of Missoula as a “soft landing” for refugee families has always been in large part due to those of you reading this newsletter right now. PLEASE reach out if you have any ideas, connections, or opportunities you would like to share with us. There are currently two new large families in temporary housing situations (again, eating up in weeks the very limited assistance that is supposed to last at least a few months) as well as multiple families that have been here for a couple years and are now facing enormous changes in rental situations as they try to figure out how they can stay in Missoula through this crisis.

Let’s talk Special Immigrant Visas- SIVs. For the first part of this conversation, I will be using language and resources provided by the incredible organization- Vets for American Ideals– who is working tirelessly on this issue, as well as Hello Neighbor Network– of which we are co-founding members. If you already know the details, stick with me because after this initial information, I will also offer up the opinion and first hand experience of an Afghan friend.

Special Immigrant Visas have been available to Iraqi and Afghan citizens who supported the U.S. and NATO and subsequently face risks to their lives. As the U.S. plans to withdraw from Afghanistan in our world today, Afghan civilians who worked for the U.S. or NATO as interpreters and supporters are in danger and have been threatened by the Taliban. The Biden administration is examining long delays in the program and says it will be adding anti-fraud measures. But for the time being, 17,000 SIV applicants are currently stuck in processing and an estimated 70,000 Afghan lives are in danger for their affiliation with the U.S. The average length of wait for an SIV visa is currently 3.5 years due to an underfunded and under-capacitated program.

On May 25, officials announced that American troops are set to withdraw from Afghanistan by early- to mid-July, well ahead of President Biden’s September 11 deadline. With the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan proceeding swiftly, the fate of more than 17,000 Afghans who served American forces along with their family members is at risk. As the Department of Defense plans its evacuation of our allies, VFAI offers up these action steps to call on President Biden to evacuate our allies to safety in United States territory. 

Knowing I wanted to bring this issue to your attention due to the fact that we currently work with a handful of Iraqi SIV’s here in Missoula as well as Afghan asylees, I put in a call to a friend from Afghanistan, who has requested to remain anonymous, in order to gain a deeper perspective. I am also going to use the pronouns they/them to further protect identity and am so grateful for their willingness to share this insight with us.  They wanted us to know that this is their opinion and the opinion/experience of friends and family still in Afghanistan, but that theirs is, understandably, not the only voice.

My friend agrees with the information presented above and that the SIV applicants and their families are among the most vulnerable group that will most certainly be targeted by the Taliban with the withdraw of US troops, but they also wanted to bring attention to the fact that there are many other groups of people that are at risk of being targeted, raising the number in people in concern to what they are hearing reported as closer to 500,000 individuals. This includes not only anyone who holds or is in the process of securing other forms of visas with the US, such as student, work, or lottery-type visas, but really anyone who has had any affiliation with the US or other foreign governments.  After SIV’s, most concerning to them is those working for NGO’s in Afghanistan. This is a first hand concern, as they are here in the US as an asylee due to the targeting of the NGO they worked for back home by the Taliban and the risk to their life. They feel like the country is increasingly unstable, with 5-7 factions vying for power and the withdraw of US troops will increase the instability and tension resulting from these competing groups. They are unsure of the strength of the current (American-backed) president, Ashraf Ghani, to hold power through this turmoil- with or without a peace deal, although they hope a peace deal is brokered before the withdraw of troops. It is also their opinion that despite the eventual troop withdraw, the US should maintain a presence at a couple bases until we see how any peace deal may play out.  

While we can act (same link as above) to make our voices heard in support of the safe and speedy processing of Afghan SIV’s and their families, we also hold all of those in Afghanistan who are effected by US influence and eventual troop withdraw in our hearts and thoughts.

**We have also recently touched on the horrific violence in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region that is effecting many of the Eritrean families in Missoula, as well as the destructive volcanic eruption in Congo that continues to displace family and loved ones of some of the Congolese families. Again, we extend our love, our thoughts, and the actions we can take, how ever small, to these families as well.

With the tragedy and uncertainly that continues to face so many, it is even more important to find reason to come together and celebrate the resilience and contributions of refugees around the globe every chance we get. One of these reasons is coming up this weekend- Sunday June 20th is World Refugee Day. Many of you know that our World Refugee Day Cup Soccer Tournament has been one of our largest community building events in the past- and we hope will be again in the future. For this year though, due to continued COVID concerns at the time of planning (even though is seems like in the last 2 weeks many COVID restrictions have lifted, it takes a bit longer to plan these things!), we are keeping the event smaller and centered on the families who arrived in Missoula as refugees. There will, of course, be plenty of delicious food and soccer, and hopefully even a little music and dancing. Although our event isn’t open to the public this year, we do hope you will take a moment on Sunday (and every day!) to recognize and thank those in our lives who came to the US as refugees (and if you don’t know a refugee you can find out more about summer volunteer opportunities with Soft Landing below!), mark it on your calendar for next year, and continue to be on the lookout for pubic events through SLM as is safe. We are currently working on plans for Welcoming Week in September so fingers crossed.

Thank you for sticking with me through this long, and long-overdue, newsletter. There are a few more exciting announcements below, including our next virtual cooking class, an introduction to our summertime youth crew (and volunteer opportunities!), and a HUGE WELCOME to Rozan from Syria, who is joining our Untied We Eat team as a Soft Landing Missoula staff member! Woohoo!

I hope you are enjoying the spring weather as much as I am and embracing the bit of chaos that goes along with the change in seasons 😉

In love and gratitude,


June Virtual Cooking Class

Join us Wednesday, June 30th, 5pm-6:30pm for another virtual cooking class! Chef Asta So will teach us how to cook delicious Hong Kong style fried rice with a side of bok choy. This class will take place live on Zoom and participants will be able to interact with the Chef as she teaches us about Hong Kong food and culture. At only $15 ($20 with a tip included for the chef!) these classes are a super affordable way to experience the world- or even to gift a friend! The last day to register is Monday June 28th so don’t delay!


Summa’ Time Team

We are very excited to welcome Hellie and welcome back Lorraine as AmeriCorps members on our youth program team! Lorraine and Hellie will be organizing a book club again for students this summer and coordinating activities with the kids throughout the summer from whitewater rafting to ice cream in the park!

If this sounds awesome to you- we are also looking for some additional summer volunteers for our youth program. Click below to find out how to join the fun!


Exciting News- Welcome Rozan!

We’re so excited to introduce you to the newest member of the United We Eat/Soft Landing Team: Rozan Shbib! Rozan hails from Damascus, Syria, by way of Egypt. She and her mother, Chef Muna, are wonderful cooks, and we’re so thrilled to have hired Rozan to join our team as the Kitchen Assistant and you can learn a bit more about her and our other United We Eat staff at She will be supporting our Kitchen Manager, Katie, in all aspects of the UWE@home program, and helping us as we dream a little bigger! While Rozan prefers us not to use her picture, she is incredibly warm and excited to meet you all- so don’t hesitate to say hello and give a big welcome if you are picking up food this week (and weeks to come!).

Summer Volunteer Call-Out!

We have been busy wrapping up our after school tutoring program as the school year comes to a close and are already ramping up summer programming! We are looking for some extra volunteer support for our summer youth program. Ideal volunteers will be able to commit to most weeks and be willing to provide transportation.

We have openings for:

Craft Night Assistants and Leaders -New crafts every Monday from 5-7:30

English and Cultural Orientation Class Assistants -for newly arriving youth on Wednesdays 10am-2pm

Book Club Assistants -for elementary and middle school students on Thursdays from 2pm-4pm

Outdoor Recreation Chaperones -for all age ranges and varying dates/times (transportation required)

Individual Mentors -for all age ranges and varying dates/times


If you are interested in joining us for any of our summer programs, please email

SLM Newsletter 4/2/2021


Some hopeful news from the legislature…

I know right?! As many of you know, the House, while updating the general budget – HB2- proposed the elimination of federal pass-through funding for refugee resettlement in Montana- that was bad news. A couple weeks ago, we (as a member of the diverse MIRA coalition and with guidance from the IRC) fought this through House committee hearings but it passed the House- more bad news. On Monday, we fought it in the Senate Finance and Claims committee and Wednesday afternoon we found out that the hard work had paid off. The Senate Finance and Claims committee voted this change down 12-7. That is the good news and we are elated. There was incredible testimony by Wilmot Collins (Mayor of Helena , MT) and Nolasque Balitebya (new Missoula resident)- both former refugees who have found a safe and welcome home in Montana. The committee also heard from many of us here in Missoula that serve refugees about how this essential funding is used to strengthen our community. Upon second reading the next day, reinstating the funding was brought by a legislator who is a former member of the US Armed Forces and spoke to his experiences of working alongside Iraqi translators (that now qualify for refugee status under the Special Immigrant Visa program- SIV) and refugees during his time in Iraq. His words were clear and powerful. Refugees deserve safety AND make good Americans. It was awesome. So, we “won” the day and I wish I could say “full stop” there, but apparently because this is the big budget bill, it now must return to the House for final approval. Thanks for sticking with us and continuing to make calls and write emails- keeping the pressure on and not just crossing our fingers.

So that is our main good news, but along with this, we have a few great events coming up that we wanted you to know about and also wanted to share a bunch of fun photos from our winter youth outdoor adventures as the weather turns warm and we transition into spring- which is more good news ;). You will find all of this below.

Happy spring and enjoy the sunshine!

In love and gratitude,


P.S.- Look for our 2020 Impact Report to come out next week! It was a bonkers year, but we are so proud of all we did and can’t wait to share more with you.

P.S.S- Looking to get more involved? We have openings for volunteers for 3.5 hour shifts on Mondays and Tuesdays in our kitchen with United We Eat! You don’t have to be a professional chef, you just have to be excited about learning and laughing with a great group of folks! Email for more info!

Virtual Cooking Class

Cook with Chef Kezia from Indonesia!

Live virtual cooking class on Sunday April 11 at 4 pm MST. The recipe is Babi Kecap- an authentic Indonesian pork and sweet soy sauce dish. We will also be making rice and Acar- quick pickles- and you will be able to adapt for a vegetarian meal. We have partnered with @umglobalengagement to showcase Kezia and this delicious meal as part of 2021 WorldFest! For more info and how to register, click below.


Hello Neighbor Network Convening

On April 14th you are invited to pull up a chair for the free and “open to the public” day of the 2021 Hello Neighbor Network Convening. You will leave feeling connected, supported, and empowered to move forward in your mission to build more inclusive communities. As founding members of this network, Soft Landing Missoula is excited to bring you along on this journey and welcomes you to join. Click on the link below for the incredible line-up of speakers and to learn how to register.


We had a BLAST outdoors with our Youth Program this year- sledding, skiing, and ice skating- but are now excited for the sun and warmer temps! Thanks so much to our amazing Americorps Leader, Natalia Boise, as well as all of the wonderful partners and volunteers that helped us have so much fun!

Come chop and learn with us! If you are interested in volunteering in our United We Eat kitchen on Mondays or Tuesdays, we are on the lookout for a few more kitchen helpers! All levels welcome! Inquire with