It is the time of year of giving and the wonderful Canvas Studio is doing a supply drive for self care products for all the lovely refugee women who have recently made Missoula home!
The drive will happen Friday, November 30th & Saturday, December 1st from 10am-4pm! Bring your items to Canvas Studios located @ 429 Madison St, Missoula, MT 59802. They will be having a big sale on some great self care items on those days as well!
Canvas Studios is collecting the following:
Hair Care Items!
Specifically styling products & tools for POC.
New Toiletries!
Specifically for Women, teens & babies.
Favorite Self-Care Items!
Manicure Set? Blank Journal? Art Supplies? Cozy Things? Anything you enjoy for taking care of yourself.
Sally Beauty Supply OR Department Store Gift Card!
Sally Beauty Supply is maybe the best spot for POC to find appropriate products, but we will gladly accept any donation amount to any store of your choosing.
For more information check out the Canvas Studios Instagram!