SLM Newsletter 1/17/20

Let’s get this party started!

Is the turning of the year always a reflective time? Do I really have to take a look back at 2019? With the wacky news cycle, the constant bombardment of one thing after another and a million little changes in between, I can understand why this term “reflection” takes a bit of the breath out of me these days. Right now, I am much more excited to look ahead in projection rather than behind in reflection, and some times you just have to grin and listen to your heart- so I will.

Instead of trying to wrap one more brain cell (or heart cell as it stands) around wrong-headed decisions to reduce the national number of refugee arrivals in 2020, in a time when more people are displaced world wide by war and conflict (yup- not even counting natural disasters, fire, and climate) than ever in recorded history and what that might mean for the institution of resettlement in America let alone the world, I am going to rejoice in the positive decisions our state and local government have made to support and welcome refugees.  I am going to celebrate the work done by local organizations such as the Lifelong Learning Center, the International Rescue Committee, Missoula County Public Schools, Job Services Missoula, and more, to work with refugees with an emphasis on dignity and opportunity. I am going to rally alongside our diverse and compassionate faith communities, and I am going to be in awe of volunteers- ALWAYS the volunteers- as you all make this world go round. I am going to scheme, build, grow, and maybe even learn how to say “no” every now and then with the most incredible humans that make up the staff of Soft Landing. And last but certainly not least, with fierce gratitude, I am going to walk, play, dance, and eat beside wonderful new neighbors that now call Missoula home. That is my proactive plan for 2020.

There is plenty of room in this plan for you 😉 

In love and gratitude,

Mary Poole
ED Soft Landing Missoula

PS- We hope that you have all recovered from the gluttony of the holidays, as well as the frantic fasting in recovery of said gluttony, and are ready to join us for more adventures in food in 2020! Look below for information on our January Supper Club- An Eritrean feast that is sure to sell out quickly so hop to it!- as well as a job listing for a new full time employee with Soft Landing Missoula to manage all of our food adventures so we can grow this incredibly well received branch of our programming. 

January Supper Club

Join us at Scotty’s Table on Monday January 27th for delicious Eritrean food full of warmth, spice, and love.  Similar to Ethiopian food, sharing in this family style meal is a real treat. Click below to view more details and reserve your spot. Our first Supper Club of the year, spots are sure to go QUICKLY!


Job Opportunity

Do you love food and people and have experience in business and/or nonprofit management?  We are looking for a creative, energetic, and experienced person to run our food-based, social enterprise program- United We Eat. Check out the Job post and more info below.


Events and Opportunities

>> We are looking for volunteers to join our fun and rewarding after school tutoring program for middle school and high school students.  We especially welcome folks interested in tutoring math and science and the kids would be especially excited for someone who shares their love of Hot Cheetos. Check out this an other volunteer needs here. >>

>> Do you have experience in setting up websites and would be interested in volunteering to help a woman set up a simple website with instruction on how to manage it for her new small business?  This is a fun opportunity to be a part of economic sufficiency and work one on one with a new refugee entrepreneur! Email >>