MAC Day: Show Your Support in Helena on January 23

There are multiple anti-refugee/anti-immigrant bills in play for the 2017 Montana State Legislature. (Please read the recent Missoulian article for more information.) We must have a presence at the Capitol to have our voices heard.  

We will be participating in MAC Day at the Legislature on Monday, January 23, in Helena.

If you would like to join us, we ask that you request a meeting with your state legislators during the luncheon at 11:15 in the Rotunda on January 23, 2017. (You can Use MAC’s Advocacy Toolbox to find your legislators.)

MAC’s website has the complete itinerary for the day. You can also download our flyer (.docx).

UPDATE ON THE BUS: The bus is filling up nicely, and 44 folks from Missoula have signed up, so there’s room for a few more friends, but please let FUMC and Jana Staton (  know by Friday, Jan. 20.  Due to time constraints, please directly notify them and not Soft Landing Missoula. Cost is $15 a seat or $20 for a couple.


Montana Association of Christians (MAC) is a well respected organization who participates in the legislature and believes in educating and advocating for Justice and Compassion for all. Every session they choose a few key issues, and this year, one of those issues is to champion the cause of Refugees and Immigrants in Montana.  

On January 23, we will board the MAC bus in the morning (a bus with coffee and donuts and training!) and spend the day visiting our representatives in the Capitol. We want to help them fill the bus!  There will only be about 50 seats.

We are so grateful for MAC’s insightful and kind guidance and their willingness to stand up for refugees in this tricky political climate.

There will be other opportunities to join in our efforts this session and as we strategize and plan, we will be sure to let you know other ways that you can help!